Personal Information:
Social Security Numbers (including spouses and dependents)
Bank Statements
Date of Birth (including spouses and dependents)
Last year’s tax return (**new clients only**)
Photocopy of Driver’s License (front and back)
Stimulus/Economic Impact Payments
Child Care Tax Credit
Tax Documents:
W-2 forms for the filing year
1099-NEC (formerly 1099-Misc. If you were a self-employed or contract worker and made more than $600, you should receive a 1099 from the payer.)
1099-G – Unemployment Compensation
1099-Int – Interest Income Statements
1099-Div – Dividend Income Statements
1099-B – Gross Proceeds from Sale of Stock (We will need the cost basis for the shares sold and when they were purchased.)
1099-R – Pensions and Annuity Disbursements (If you withdrew from an IRA, pension, or life insurance contract, you would receive this form.)
Social Security / RRI Benefits
Form 1098 – Student Loan Interest Paid
Form 1098 – Education Expenses from a Qualified Institutions
Form 1098 – Mortgage Interest & Real Estate Taxes Paid
1099-S – Sale of Real Estate (If you sold real estate, we would need the cost basis (purchase price plus improvements and commissions.)
1099-G – Gambling or Lottery Winnings
1099 – Cancellation of Debt
K-1 – Income from Partnerships, S Corporations, & Trusts
Jury Duty Pay
Category of Expenses:
Self-Employed Business Expenses – Please categorize and total these expenses prior to your appointment.
Child Care Provider – Name, address, Tax ID #. If you are paying an individual, also provide their SS#.
Alimony – If you paid or received alimony, the amount needs to be reported as well as the SS# of the payer or recipient.
IRA, SEP, or Keogh – Did you make a contribution for this tax year and for how much?
Moving Expenses – (more than 50 miles for work) Provide dates of move and new address.
Charitable Expenses
Medical Expenses – If more than 7.5% of your adjusted gross income.
Estimated tax payment made for the year.
Adoption Expenses